Friday, December 26, 2014

Penticton 3

I had gone back to Penticton yet again, this time to plan a fourth trip there.

(The first trip, I took in real life. The second was a previous dream; in that one, I had gone in November or December with my mom, A., and R. I guess I dreamt about this a year ago or so. In that dream, we had driven throughout the city streets and never really found what were were looking for, but stumbled on a really great burger place on an unexpected street. We had gone to a mall to watch a movie, and the mall was a large brick building. We never made it to the movie thought because there was a disaster and we all had to evacuate, but everyone was ok. I remember very little else about it, except for an area that was mostly water with a bridge and a gazebo in the middle of the bridge. It looked nothing like the real Penticton, but was absolutely the same city in my mind.)

This time, it was January and it had snowed recently enough to still have some snow on the ground. I was scouting out Airbnb places so that A. and I could come back, perhaps in June. I'd already gone once in December and once in April, so now I wanted to go at the peak season. I followed the same straight roads I had followed the previous time and came to a white wooden house that I'd found on the internet. The Airbnb price was $93 or something similar so I figured it was a good deal. I went inside and encountered someone in a red and black jacket. We talked briefly and she showed me around the place. I figured it was a good place in winter and would certainly be better in summer. So I decided I would stay there that night, but wanted to go out and explore the city a bit since I was back.  

I went walking, and crossed the bridge with the gazebo. This led me outside the city and perhaps even outside the country, but it wasn't too difficult to get back in. The only problem was the snow; I kept slipping on the snow and ice. I thought I should probably get back after a bit of solo walking around the city and surrounding areas, so I came back to the house. I realized I needed to stay there for the night, so I asked them about the price, which I saw on the internet was $93. But they told me that because of the snow, they'd increased the price to $118. They knew I had to have a place to stay so they increased the price since I had nowhere else to go. They also told me that in peak season, it would be $138, but it wasn't like I had anywhere else to go since the hotels would be full. I realized they were shady people and left, knowing I could get a private room at the hostel I stayed at the first time I went there.