Monday, April 25, 2011

Game changer

Two football teams had just played a match, and the team we didn't want to win, won.

But I had to take photographs of the second team winning, so I had a discussion with both team managers to see if we could set up a photo shoot that showed the outcome of the game a little bit differently. Both agreed.

So we set it up to look like the field would look near the end of the game, and My Team would "score a touchdown" and celebrate, while the Other Team would look sad.

Except that Susan from Desperate Housewives showed up with a gun for some reason, and it accidentally went off and flooded the field and ruined everything. I guess she'd hit a dam or something and broke it, and the sea rushed in.

She swore and put the gun away, but not before it accidentally went off two more times, hitting a plane taking off (which wobbled in the air) and a cruise liner (which sank.)

All the team members immediately started cleaning up the field.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

In the city of the future

Note: When I dream about people I know, I will often change their names.

I had this dream a few months ago but it is still so vivid. I wrote a song about it after thinking about it for hours on end.

In this dream, I was in what seemed like it could have been New York City. I was going to visit a friend, who I will just call SG. It was a very routine sort of visit: get a taxi, go, have a nice chat and some tea, play some music, and go home.

Except that we lived in some kind of police state.

When I got there, SG's house was almost empty. He told me that his wife and kids had already left earlier that day, when an officer came to the house and told them that he had 24 hours to vacate the place. The officer did not give a reason why, but the rest of his family had left immediately for an undisclosed location. He had stayed back to finish packing up what they could take with them before leaving. There was no sadness about this; just a matter-of-fact "it is what it is" attitude. Even I was not sad, although I knew I would never see them again. I just asked if I could help and so we gathered things into boxes, not knowing where the boxes were going or even if they would be going wherever they went. The only thought was that there would be Consequences if he was not out of that house. The officers would come search the place after the 24 hours were up.

We worked silently, accepting fate.

Singing, Obama, and the Evil Piglet

I was asked to sing for an event that mostly consisted of elderly people. There were two other women I would be singing with. Repertoire was Hindi songs - whatever all three of us knew that they had a karaoke CD for.

We did one set of songs but then we were told that they wanted to hear less dance songs and more "background music." The problem was that as far as non-dance songs went, the three of us all knew different songs. So we decided we'd just fake it -- one person would sing and the other two would lip-sync.

Cut to me riding in a car on the way back from the venue. Someone else is driving, who decides to get out and take care of something near a barn. I stayed in the car with the doors locked. A cute piglet, all pink and fuzzy, came up to the window. I smiled and waved. The piglet was the size of a grown pig, but I didn't realize this until he became more persistent at getting my attention. At this point something seemed very wrong about this piglet. He stood up on his hind legs and started trying to open the door. I was happy it was locked -- until he ripped the door off its hinges, grabbed me, and carried me off. I started yelling for help, and people looked but would not help. The piglet got bored with it though and just dropped me and went about doing piglet-like things. I ran off as fast as I could, realizing I'd left my things back at the venue anyway.

I went back to the place we performed and started packing up my makeup, clothes, and music, but the piglet showed up there and I had to run off again without gathering all my things. I ran into a lecture hall, where Obama was giving a lecture. I sat in the back of the classroom, thinking that the piglet couldn't possibly have followed me here, and even if he did, the Secret Service would take care of him.

During Obama's lecture, a junior high age girl entered the room with a large box. She walked up to Obama and said, "I have a gift for you, President Obama. It's chocolates. Would you like some?" He looked at her like she was crazy and said, "Ummm..... NO?" The little girl looked so hurt! She said, "But... they're Godiva!" and opened the box to show him. He said in a very annoyed voice, "Isn't the Secret Service supposed to take care of things like this?" The little girl gave the class the chocolates instead, instructing us to take one piece and pass it down. I never got a chocolate, though. The class ended, and all the students left, as did Obama with the Secret Service. Of course, at this point the piglet peeks his head into the classroom and I run off again out the doors at the top of the lecture hall.

I wonder what would have happened next.

The mind works in strange ways...

I'm just going to write down my dreams. It might be fun if you analyze them for me!