Saturday, June 4, 2011

The animals race for no apparent reason

A group of animals were all racing down a hill. As long as they ran, they stayed thin. After some time, most of them got fat and dropped out of the race - the rabbit, the turtle, and the warthog. Only the frog kept at the race, and kept going even after everyone else had dropped out. The other animals thought he was crazy, so they went to the bottom of the hill to find out why the frog was in such a hurry.

At the bottom of the hill was a temple with stairs leading up to it. The frog raced up the stairs and deposited two quarters in a box on the right side of the temple. The other animals asked him why he was in such a hurry.

"Because if you put two quarters in this box, you get a TICKET to HEAVEN!" said the frog.

At this point, the other animals knew that it was Very Important and they should have kept racing and looking for quarters. The rabbit and warthog immediately ran out and started running up the hill, looking for quarters, so that they could race back down and put them in the box. The turtle found a quarter on the ground immediately, put it in the box, and said, "Look, now I'm halfway to heaven!"

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